Life and Donuts

Life and Donuts

The responses to the question “If we all end up dying, what’s the purpose of living?” on Quora inspired me to write this comic. The consensus was that at the end, to the universe we’re no more important than a rock. We’re so tiny that trying to find a meaning for our lives seems even arrogant, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it. You eat a donut (or a cake, like Quora suggested), and enjoy it without worrying that you’ll finish it in a few bites.

What do you think?

Halloween costumes for programmers (and IT people)

halloween Costumes For Programmers

I started working on a design project with the guys from and we had the idea of a comic with halloween costumes that only programmers, IT guys or web developers would get… so I came up with this cheesy strip.

By the way, if you’re a web designer, developer, programmer (or all of the above), you should totally check their stuff. They give you a free Virtual Machine with EVERY programming language pre-installed so you can play around or create something awesome:

The Seven Holy Sins

The Seven Holy Sins

This is my adaptation from a joke originally told by mexican comedian ‘Polo Polo’. The Seven Holy Sins are formed by some of my favorite artists that, sadly, have passed away.

Kurt Cobain on the drums, finally in the back, not on the spotlight; Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon on guitar; Sid Vicious on bass; Biggie Smalls on turntables and Freddie Mercury and Janis Joplin on vocals. Finally, Tupac managing them and feating from time to time, which would probably make them the EIGHT holy sins, but who’s counting. A band, literally, made in heaven.

Moonwalking Pabs

“She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son”

Estoy haciendo una animación para un projecto de un personaje haciendo el ‘moonwalk’. Cuando lo terminé, decidí hacer uno de mi también. Tengo que admitir que hice trampa. Tuve que copiar los movimientos de un video de MJ que encontré en YouTube.

Yahoo Translate:

I’m doing an animation for a project of a character moonwalking. When I finished it, I decided to make one of myself too. I have to admit that I cheated. I had to copy the dance moves from a MJ video I found on YouTube.

Foto, foto, foto!

“Instagram pics are square, we should ALL be in the middle!”


Me he dado cuenta que Facebook está lleno de fotos en las que salimos encurvados, en posiciones poco convencionales. Esto es porque, en cuanto alguien saca una cámara, todos reaccionamos acercándonos al centro, luchando por un espacio dentro de la foto… aún cuando ni es necesario. Y… ¿por qué tienen todos que pretender que están felices? ¿Por qué nadie retrata lo aburrido de la fiesta?, ¿o lo tanto que se odian unos a los otros, ó cuando Juanita tiró mierda y media de Chonita cuando fue al baño?… No, mejor hay que hacer caras de patos, enseñar un poco de tetas, lucir esa cadena de plástico dorada que te dieron en la entrada y hacer el signo de la paz… si.

Google Translate:

I’ve noticed that Facebook is full of photos of ourselves in unconventional positions. This is because, when someone pulls out a camera, we all react approaching the center, fighting for a space within the picture … even when it isn’t necessary. And… Why do we have to pretend to be happy for the pic? Why no one portrays the boring party? or how everyone hates each other? Or when Juanita talked shit about Chonita when she was in the bathroom? … No, we should better do duck faces, show some tits, show off that plastic golden chain they gave you at the entrance and make the peace sign… yeah.

Image on 9GAG: